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Aviation Weather Forecasting needs analysis survey 2019
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AVN Survey
Aviation Needs analysis survey
Aviation Needs analysis survey
Aviation Needs analysis survey
I work at the following aviation weather office
Port Elizabeth
Cape Town
Which ones' of the following Aviation forecasting products, if any, do you require training on?
Take-off data
Trend forecasts
Aerodrome Forecasts
Low level wind shear warnings
I'm OK, i require no training on any of the above
Given your answer(s) in question 2, what in particular do you need training on?
Do you have difficulty knowing when to amend TAFs according to significant weather criteria
Do you struggle to code your TAF forecasts in the correct format?
Do you require training on the significant weather changes to consider when writing TAFs?
Which ones' of the following forecast parameters, if any, do you struggle the most with forecasting?
fog or mist, including onset and duration, and associated reduced visibilities
precipitation (intensity, onset and duration, amount and types), and associated visibilities
cloud (types, amounts, height of base and vertical extent)
I'm OK, i require no training in any of the above
Which ones' of the following Aviation Weather hazards do you struggle to identify in MSG and would require training on?
Low broken to overcast Stratus cloud
Mountain waves
Sand and Dust Storms
Low cloud and Poor visibility
Thunderstorms and CB cloud
Towering Cumulus
Ice in cloud
None of the above
Which ones' of the following hazardous aviation weather phenomena do you struggle to forecast for and require training on the forecasting there-off?
Low cloud and poor visibility
Mountain waves
Dust and sandstorms
Volcanic Ash
CB and Thunderstorms
Turbulence and Wind shear
Aircraft Icing
I'm OK, i require no training on any of the above
Given your answer(s) in question 9, what in particular do you not know how to forecast?
Which ones' of the following hazardous weather do you require training on the warning there-off
Low cloud and poor visibility
Dust and sandstorms
Volcanic Ash based on advisory
Tropical Cyclone based on advisory
CB and Thunderstorms
Turbulence and Wind shear
Aircraft Icing
I'm OK, i require no training on any of the above
Do you require training on the coding formats used in AIRMET/SIGMET/Aerodorme and Low Level wind shear warnings?
Do you require training on where to excess AMDAR data and the use there-off?
In your job, which knowledge and skills surrounding aviation weather forecasting are most lacking for you as individual?
How has your job changed in the last few years in ways for which you are unprepared due to lack of training?
What usefull tools and techniques are available in your office that you are unable to use properly due to a lack of training?
During competency assessment in your office, which problems areas have come up for you that can be best addressed with training
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